Ing. Darina Havlíčková
By-products from the food industry are the most frequently used feedstuffs for horses along with grains. Food production facilities (mills, malt plants, sugar mills, oil pressing facilities, etc.) produce feed for farm animals as well as food for humans. This usually concerns the fibrous residue of the plants that are processed into foods.
More infoIng. Darina Havlíčková
Winter begins at the end of the calendar year and lasts until March. During this period of rest and short days, we should make sure that feed rations are lighter, while also providing the required nutrition and containing sufficient nutrients, trace elements and energy.
More infoIng. Darina Havlíčková
Grains are feed that comes from grains, which are specially bred grasses, usually from the Poaceae Family. Their seeds, or grains, are used as human food (wheat, rye, corn, oats, rice, etc.) or as animal feed (barley, oats, corn, wheat, triticale, etc.) However, only some types of grain as suitable as feed for horses and we will present these below.
More infoIng. Darina Havlíčková
The topic of feeding of leisure horses and their nutrition is as extensive as this group itself. This group includes horses ridden by pleasure riders and horses from horse riding ranches, riding clubs and riding schools. This group also includes sports horses with light and moderate activity, ridden by amateur riders in sports and hobby competitions.
More infoIng. Darina Havlíčková
At our latitude, autumn is a specific season and has a major impact on horse care management. The reason for this major transition is the gradual aging of pasture growth, the different herb varieties growing under these conditions, when the days become shorter, and also the change in ratio between sugars and fibre. This seasonal change heralds a reduction in sugars and an increase in fibre (the…
More infoIng. Darina Havlíčková
Feed in the form of mash has been a specialised feed for sports and working horses for many years now. This method of feed probably originated at the beginning of the last century when feeding military and work horses. Classic cooked mushy feed subsequently became a stable recipe, which contains wheat bran, barley meal, sometimes corn, flaxseed and salt.
More infoIng. Darina Havlíčková
Energys® OMEGA GOLD feed from the premium Energys® range is a unique combination with the benefits of two exceptional nutritional supplements: flax seed and fresh-water spirulina algae. This unique food supplement is a general purpose feed for all categories of horse.
More infoIng. Darina Havlíčková
Energys® FIBER feed was, as the name implies, created as a feed containing an increased amount of fibre for moderately active and leisure horses. Fiber muesli mainly contains a high percentage of chopped hay. Chopped hay is a substantial source of fibre and consists of the chopped stalks of forage crops (grasses, young grasses or alfalfa).
More infoIng. Darina Havlíčková
Energys® HERBIC is intended for moderately active or sports horses or leisure horses. HERBIC contains chopped hay and a herbal complex, which has a beneficial effect on the horse’s respiratory system. Herbic has been the best-selling feed from the premium Energys® range for many years.
More infoIng. Darina Havlíčková
Energys COLDMIX feed is primarily intended for moderately active sports and leisure horses. COLDMIX does not contain oats, so it can also be fed to fidgety and excitable horses.
More infoIng. Darina Havlíčková
MASH muesli is a new feed in the Energys® range of feeds and is part of the PREMIUM range. This feed originated on the basis of our customers’ requirements, because they wanted a feed in the form of a complete MASH for their horses, so that they did not have to mix moistened feed rations from multiple ingredients.
More infoIng. Darina Havlíčková
ENERGYS® feed has been one of the best-known brands of horse feed on the Czech market since 2002. The manufacturer is De Heus a.s., a Czech subsidiary of a Dutch family company. The SUPERBRANDS 2020 award, granted by independent professionals, showed the quality of their work. The reason for the award is the very transparent and simple design; the individual feeds are easily recognizable and…
More infoIng. Darina Havlíčková
Find out more about RELAX feed from the ENERGYS® range of feeds for horses produced by the De Heus a.s. Company. The ENERGYS® RELAX feed mixture is the most suitable for horses with a low workload and also for school and hobby horses.
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We present EXTRA feed from the ENERGYS range of horse feeds produced by the De Heus a.s. Company. Supplementary EXTRA pellets are specially created for competition horses.
More infoIng. Darina Havlíčková
BABY feed from the ENERGYS® range is a unique and irreplaceable feed with a unique recipe for foals and young horses.
More infoIng. Darina Havlíčková
Wheat bran, which is a by-product of flour production, is currently a highly-discussed ingredient both for producing feed and for human nutrition, and is wreathed in many legends. Laypeople often consider it a waste product from the milling industry and it therefore incites natural distrust or even concerns about its use. There are no grounds for this however.
More infoIng. Darina Havlíčková
STANDARD feed from the ENERGYS range of feeds produced by the De Heus a.s. Company is a popular feed mixture and is most suitable for horses with a moderate workload. Particularly for horses who compete on the lower and medium levels of showjumping and dressage events.
More infoIng. Darina Havlíčková
On the basis of the requirements of our customers, owners of small and rustic breeds of horse and pony, we created the ENERGYS® PONY feed mixture, produced by the De Heus a.s. Company.
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